About Our Organization

Program Development Services is grounded in the philosophy that every person, regardless of his/her disability or development level, should be treated with the dignity inherent in each person.
In light of this, we believe that every person should be given the opportunity to achieve his/her functional, social and intellectual potential through appropriate individualized programming, to live in as normal a home environment as possible, to live in an atmosphere of acceptance, warmth, understanding, and security which upholds the rights of each individual and provides developmental opportunities on an individual and group basis.
We therefore affirm and emphasize the right of persons with developmental disabilities and their families to secure the highest level of treatment, rehabilitation and habilitation services.
PDS programs and services are available to all, regardless of race, color or creed. We are committed to the training, enhancement and growth of all personnel within the agency in order to provide skills for expanding programs for the individuals we serve.
All services of the agency are done with approval of the state and integration into the state’s comprehensive program, and all policies and procedures are available for staff, parents, and consumers to read within the agency.
Program Development Services was formed in 1984 by former Executive Directors, Patricia Harrison and Richard Murray, as a consulting agency providing established agencies in the field of developmental disabilities with innovative and progressive solutions toward providing high-quality individualized care.
Ms. Harrison and Mr. Murray began opening up their own residences under the auspices of PDS when they wanted to offer a high-quality residential placement for their own siblings in a small community environment. Ms. Harrison and Mr. Murray have also been integral in helping parent groups develop their own residential and day programs.
We opened our first residence for four dual-sensory-impaired adults in 1987. Today we serve 104 consumers in 24 hour residences; 121 consumers in non-24-hour IRA apartments, and 53 consumers in our Day and Community Habilitation program. Our residences are located in all areas of Brooklyn, Bronx and three in Manhattan.
We also provide Medicaid Service coordinator for individuals our programs and for individuals living in the community.